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  After a childhood that would have broken weaker girls, Jane Eyre finds a respectable position as governess to the ward of the enigmatic Mr. Rochester. Twenty years her senior, brusque, and hardened by loss, Mr. Rochester finds his spirited new employee strangely bewitching. Despite the social chasm that divides them, they are drawn to each other as equals and contemplate true happiness at last. But there is an impediment to their love that tests Jane’s integrity and strength almost beyond endurance.
  Considered by many to be the best adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s romantic classic, this BBC miniseries is true to the original story, with dialogue taken directly from the novel. Best of all is the perfect casting and chemistry of the unlikely lovers, with Sorcha Cusack (Casualty) as Jane and Michael Jayston (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) as Mr. Rochester.

  • 熙德第一季

    海因米·洛伦特,Pablo Álvarez,Sarah Perles,Daniel Albaladejo,卡洛斯·巴登,埃米利奥·布阿勒,大卫·卡斯蒂洛,Lucía Díez,胡安·埃查诺维,胡安·费尔南德斯,伊利娅·盖尔拉,希内斯·加西亚·米连,何塞·路易斯·加西亚·佩雷斯,Lucía Guerrero,Ignacio Herráez,佐哈·里巴,海梅·奥利亚斯,阿尔瓦罗·里科,艾丽西亚·桑兹,Joan Bentallé,安吉尔·伯纳尼

  • 战前37天

    Nicholas Asbury,Simon Coury,Niall Cusack,伊恩·麦克迪阿梅德,蒂姆·皮戈特-史密斯,比尔·帕特森

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  • 刀锋战士(电视剧版)

    斯蒂奇·芬格茨,吉尔·瓦格纳,尼尔·杰克逊,Nelson Lee,杰西卡·戈尔,拉里·波恩德克斯特

  • 初来乍到第一季


  • 英伦式丑闻

    克莱尔·芙伊,保罗·贝坦尼,朱莉娅·戴维斯,乔纳森·阿里斯,阿曼达·德鲁,理查德·麦凯布,菲比·尼克尔斯,卡米拉·拉瑟福德,蒂莫西·雷诺夫,索菲娅·迈尔斯,索菲娅·沃德,蒂姆·斯蒂德,理查德·古尔丁,奥利弗·克里斯,尼古拉斯·罗尔,迈尔斯·贾普,Katherine Manners,Johnny Li Gotti

  • 默契

    劳拉·弗雷泽,茱莉‧赫斯姆德哈尔格,艾丽托马斯,阿奈林·巴纳德,杰森·休斯,艾比·赫恩,加布瑞拉·克里维,芮姬·阿约拉,本·麦克格雷格,Sophie Melville,亚德里安·埃德蒙松,亚历山大·莱利,埃迪·马森,Gillian Elisa,马克·路易斯·琼斯,理查德·艾尔芬,奥利弗·加茨,Geraint Wyn Todd,Jason May,Aled ap Steffan,Heledd Gwynn